I. Preamble:
In the pursuit of global cooperation and the shared vision of space exploration and utilization, the International Lunar Lands Authority (ILLA) has been established as a cooperative entity between Earth’s space-faring nations and private entities and organisations. Our mission reflects the collective ambition of humanity to further our understanding, exploration, and responsible development of Earth’s closest celestial neighbour, the Moon (Luna).
II. Scope of Authority:
The ILLA serves as an independent and unaffiliated mediator, custodian, and facilitator for the regulated exploration, utilization, and claims of the lunar territory. This authority embodies the model and principles of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in its governance of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Pacific Ocean, ensuring equitable, safe, and sustainable practices in resource harvesting and related activities; and the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty (ATS), which reserves the region for peaceful purposes, promotes scientific investigations and international cooperation, forbids any military activity in the region, sets aside specific areas as a scientific preserve, requires the regular exchange of information about activities, and encourages environmental stewardship.
III. Claims Management:
1. Overview:
The ILLA is responsible for the review, registration, and adjudication of claims on lunar lands. All claims are subject to international laws, agreements, and treaties set forth to guide lunar operations.
2. Process for NSPs and Private Entities:
National space programmes (NSPs), private corporations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are invited to file claims via the dedicated portal on our official website: LunarRegistry.com. Comprehensive guidelines and protocols are provided on this platform to guide these entities through the registration process.
3. Process for the General Public:
Recognizing the universal desire of individuals to connect with space exploration, the ILLA has designated a limited number of specific locations on the Moon for public claims, totaling less than 2% of the entire lunar surface. Individuals can claim between one to ten acres either for themselves or as a gift. These claims can be registered through a separate public portal on LunarRegistry.com.
IV. Approved Uses of Lunar Lands:
The ILLA encourages diverse and peaceful utilization of lunar resources and lands, adhering strictly to international standards. Approved uses include:
Resource Mining: Exploration and extraction of valuable minerals and resources.
Tourism Centres: Establishments fostering space tourism and providing unique lunar experiences.
Scientific Research Facilities: Centres dedicated to lunar studies, astronomy, and other scientific endeavors.
Cultural Preservation Sites: Areas dedicated to commemorating human achievements on the Moon and the rich tapestry of the Moon’s own cultural history.
Space Agriculture: Facilities exploring sustainable lunar agriculture, hydroponics, and aeroponics.
Other Purposes: Peaceful uses that align with international agreements and treaties, subjected to approval by the ILLA.
V. Commitment to Sustainability and Equity:
The ILLA is committed to ensuring that lunar exploration and development are conducted peacefully, sustainably, minimizing harm and maximizing benefits. Our policies prioritize equitable access to lunar resources, and we strive to ensure that all humankind can share in the scientific, cultural, and economic benefits of lunar exploration.
VI. Conclusion:
The Moon, as a beacon of human curiosity and ambition, remains a testament to our drive to explore the unknown. The International Lunar Lands Authority is proud to be at the forefront of this journey, serving as the nexus for Earth’s united endeavors on the Moon. We invite every person and every nation to join us in this venture, as we chart a course for a brighter, interconnected, and interplanetary future.
I. Introduction:
It is imperative for all entities and individuals engaging with the International Lunar Lands Authority (ILLA) to understand the scope and limits of its role with regard to the Moon, popularly known as Luna. Herein, we delineate the crucial distinction between ownership and registration, as well as the purposes for which lunar land can be claimed and utilised.
II. Ownership vs. Registration:
ILLA does not own, control, or exert sovereignty over any part of the Moon. Our primary role is that of a registrar – a body that records, manages, and oversees claims made to specific parcels of lunar land.
1. No Sovereignty: The Moon, in accordance with international space law, belongs to all of humanity. No one nation, entity, or individual can lay claim to lunar sovereignty or ownership of all of the Moon’s surface and/or its resources.
2. Role of a Registrar: ILLA acts as a neutral and globally recognized authority that logs and authenticates claims for specific purposes, ensuring that activities on the Moon are conducted in a manner consistent with established international treaties and agreements.
III. Peaceful Purposes and Approved Uses:
All claims made through ILLA must be for peaceful purposes. These include but are not limited to:
IV. Independent Non-Profit Commitment:
The ILLA operates as an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization. Our primary commitment is to the peaceful, responsible and shared use of lunar resources for the betterment of all of humanity. Any fees associated with the registration process are to be utilized solely for the maintenance of the registration system, oversight activities, and educational outreach programs.
V. Conclusion:
The Moon, an emblem of unity, curiosity, and human advancement, remains a shared frontier. The International Lunar Lands Authority stands as a beacon of organized, responsible, and shared exploration, emphasizing cooperation over competition. We remain dedicated to fostering a harmonious and collective approach to our closest celestial neighbor.
All contents are copyright © 1999-2025 by Luna Society International. All rights reserved. The Lunar Registry, Lunar Republic, Official Moon, and “Nothing Could Be Greater Than To Own Your Own Crater” are protected worldwide trademarks of Luna Society International used under exclusive license granted by International Lunar Lands Authority.
All rights reserved under international law in compliance with United Nations treaties and agreements.