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Common questions and answers about buying and owning property on the Moon. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact us directly.
How much will it cost for you to live on the Moon? Money UK, using pricing and information provided by Lunar Registry, put together a detailed study showing that buying property on the Moon may be the easiest and most affordable portion of the process – right now, getting to the Moon and building infrastructure (including habitats, food, water and – not surprisingly, oxygen) will add significantly.
Read the complete article here.
To view sample documents, please click here.
For delivery estimates, please click here.
Click on the question below to open the answer:
You may view the complete list of available Lunar land at
Note that the entire Moon is not for sale; only about 2% of the Lunar surface is being offered. Prominent craters and other major geographic features, as well as historic landing sites, are protected from development.
If you are interested in purchasing claims to properties not currently listed for sale, the base fee is US$2400 for initial registration, plus a per-acre registration fee of US$10/acre, in addition to any applicable premium fees for that location. A US$1200 deposit (non-refundable) and a minimum 500-acre initial claim purchase is required.
For more information, please contact ILLR with your preferred location. Please include exact geographic coordinates with your inquiry.
As with the stock market, the price of Lunar real estate can vary from hour to hour depending on location and demand (sales volume). If a certain location is in higher demand, its price will increase; consequently, if demand is lower, the price will drop.
Pricing is set by an algorithm that factors in a base registration fee (generally US$10 per acre) plus a premium fee that varies by location. The base registration fee decreases depending upon the quantity of parcels (acres) purchased.
You may see a wide difference in pricing because of the popularity of a location – such as the Sea of Rains* or the Sea of Tranquility – versus those with greater availability and less demand – such as the Ocean of Storms.
There is one exception: the Sea of Vapors, which has subsidized pricing that is currently set at US$18.95 per acre and can only be adjusted once per year. The price will hold steady at this rate through the end of 2025.
* – The Sea of Rains is expected to be the site of China’s first extensive human-based development on the Moon.
We are not permitted to suggest or recommend specific locations on the Moon to buyers. It is your sole responsibility to research the potential benefits of the various Lunar locations that are being offered.
We are also not permitted to reveal information or personal data about other property owners beyond general data that is used for statistical purposes.
Some areas on the Moon have received preliminary zoning for various purposes, including tourism, scientific research, manufacturing or mining. Most areas may have a combination of purposes, such as mining in one sector, and tourist facilities in another sector.
Portions of each property tract are also held in reserve for transportation facilities that will be used for flights to and from Earth (and, hopefully, Mars and other planets in the future) and for shuttles to other locations on the Moon.
Keep in mind that preliminary zoning is exactly that – preliminary – and is subject to change in the future.
The process is actually quite simple!
First, click here to review the list of properties that are currently available on the Moon.
Next, once you’ve chosen your preferred location, follow the steps listed on that page by entering the owner’s full name, the total number of acres you wish to purchase, and choose any extras you would like to include, such as an e-copy (PDF) of your documents, The Full Moon Atlas CD-ROM, or a free gift message.
Ready to start? Click here!
Although there are dozens of companies that offer novelty lunar property for sale via the Internet, only the International Lunar Land Registry (known familiarly as The Lunar Registry) is authorized to record ownership claims to property on the Moon to finance commercial exploration, settlement and development of the Moon in compliance with international law and, specifically, the Lunar Settlement Initiative.
Please note that we do not purport to be the “owner” of the Moon as the novelty Moon deed companies falsely claim. We merely offer a standardized process for registering ownership claims to a limited number of prime locations on the Moon.
While you may receive a pretty piece of paper from one of these many novelty companies, your actual ownership of land on the Moon from them has no legal standing and is essentially worthless.
We strongly encourage you to visit the websites of these organizations and make your own informed decision.
He does not own the Moon, and we don’t claim to own it, either. You can’t just write a letter to a government and claim ownership of any body of land anywhere in the Universe. International law doesn’t work that way.
The person in question claims that he went to San Francisco many years ago and cajoled some unidentified City Hall bureaucrat into signing a piece of paper legitimizing his ownership of the Moon.
The problem? That fanciful event never happened.
Don’t you think that this certified evidence of his claim to owning the Moon would rank up there with the Magna Carta, the Gutenberg Bible and the Declaration of Independence among civilization’s most important documents?
Instead, after more than four decades, the owner of the Lunar Embassy has never been able to produce this alleged proof, although he continues to use it as his basis for selling novelty Moon deeds.
Rather than making up silly stories, giving ourselves wacky nicknames or trying to find loopholes in the law, we work with international organizations and space law experts to be sure that our property owners will be entitled to legally possess their land in compliance with established international agreements, including the Lunar Settlement Initiative, with a goal of creating an autonomous Lunar Republic on the Moon.
Remember: the only recognized historic precedent for property ownership is the actual occupation of that property in compliance with recognized laws, not writing a letter to someone who doesn’t own it in the first place.
The deed and title you receive for your lunar property include all mineral rights to a plumb depth of five kilometers below the height of average terrain. This depth may be changed in the future by the citizens and government of the Lunar Republic at the request of landowners.
We get asked this one quite often. The United States did, in fact, land the first human beings on the surface of the Moon. However, under the provisions of the United Nations Moon Treaty, the United States did not and could not claim ownership or sovereignty of Luna.
In compliance with the Lunar Settlement Initiative (LSI), we offer limited land claims on the Moon — only about 2% of the entire surface of Luna. We are bound by the terms of LSI to register the property in your name only (or the name of your company), and to collect a nominal fee for processing, recording and shipping your documents to you.
We currently offer twelve select locations on the Moon, which you may review by clicking here.
Your property is your own to develop or utilize as you see fit. And, as it is your own, you may also include it in your will so that it goes to the person(s) of your choice, whether it’s a friend, family member or other entity or organization.
You must designate your intentions in your will and you should consult with your attorney for instructions. Luna Society International cannot and will not provide legal advice regarding this process.
For updated documents following a transfer of ownership, please click here.
You are permitted to sell, donate, trade or transfer your property to any person, organization or entity of your choice.
You may sell your property at any price that you and the purchaser agree upon.
Keep in mind that right now there are more than one-billion acres of property available on the Moon, a fact that you should consider when setting your price.
For updated documents following a transfer of ownership, please click here.
If you have lost your Moon property ownership documents, if your documents are damaged, if you have transferred of your property to someone else, or if you simply want a duplicate set, we make the process simple!
To request a fresh set of documents, please click here.
Please be sure to include the complete name of the property owner, the transaction file number, and any other pertinent information you can provide.
The coordinates shown on your documents denote the common corner point from which the entire tract is measured; this corner point is the same on all documents for properties sold within that tract, as the individual properties (acres) have not been surveyed in situ yet.
It’s not that you have been sold the same acre(s) as someone else. Each tract contains thousands of acres, and you own property within that tract.
The coordinates shown for the Orientale District denote the location of the tract’s primary corner point.
Helium³ is highly sought for nuclear fusion, but it’s very rare on Earth. It comes from the outer layer of the Sun and is blown around the Solar System by solar winds, and accumulates in abundance on the Lunar surface.
Millions of tons of Helium³ can be found on the Moon, and just 25 tons of it could serve to power the European Union and the United States for a year, according to estimates. Because of its value, transporting it between the Moon and Earth could be very economical in the near future.
For more information, read “The Moon Is A Potential Goldmine of Natural Resources” (via
Rather than buying an acre of land on the Moon, you might want to consider a memorial crater on the Moon which will never be developed or used for any other reason than to honor a family member or friend that has passed.
A limited number of memorial craters are available on the Moon. You may name a Lunar crater at
All contents are copyright © 1999-2025 by Luna Society International. All rights reserved. The Lunar Registry, Lunar Republic, Official Moon, and “Nothing Could Be Greater Than To Own Your Own Crater” are protected worldwide trademarks of Luna Society International used under exclusive license granted by International Lunar Lands Authority.
All rights reserved under international law in compliance with United Nations treaties and agreements.